Friday 27 April 2018

What can we expect from Goa during Summer Season?.

There's no doubt that any time is the best time to go to Goa, but what is that something special we can expect from Goa during summer season?.

1. Seasonal Summer Fruits.
Goa during summer is a fruit paradise, from what I know below is the list of popular fruits you can only expect to see in a Goan market during summer season.
These fruits will surely hit notes of all your senses except they won't make any noise for you to hear.



White Apple

Goan Wild Berries Or Kandam as called in Goa.

2. Seasonal Alcoholic Beverages - Urrak or so called Jungle Juice made of Cashew Fruits in Goa. 

For Centuries the ancient techinique of extracting alcohol out of the juicy fruit Cashew has been used to turn it in the Finest alcoholic beverage known as Urrak.

Urrak, is fermented cashew juice distilled just once and is one of the most popular drinks in Goa to beat the summer heat. It may not as potent as feni, when it comes to alcoholic content, but urrak can get you intoxicated even before you know it. The drink is available in most taverns in Goa during the months of summer when the fruit is harvested and has a short shelf life. Over the last few years, this popular tavern drink has upped in matters of social prestige, making it to the bar counters at well-known restaurants in Goa.

3. Niro

Niro on the other hand is a tough one to feast on. Unknown to many, the unsung drink Niro, is the last remaining juice of the cashew fruit, which is drawn by placing a large stone on pile of fruit already squeezed for juice. Clear, non alcoholic and extremely delicious and the fact that it is difficult to obtain, is one of the reasons which makes niro one of the most sought after drinks during summer. In normal circumstances, you would have to trek to a cashew distillery to buy niro and because it is easily perishable, it certainly isn’t available at the store nearest to you.


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